
Dangers of Assumption in parenting

 Dangers of Assumption in parenting  Luke 2:43-44,46 [43]And when they had fulfilled the days, as they returned, the child Jesus tarried behind in Jerusalem; and Joseph and his mother knew not of it. [44]But they, supposing him to have been in the company, went a day’s journey; and they sought him among their kinsfolk and acquaintance. [46]And it came to pass, that after three days they found him in the temple, sitting in the midst of the doctors, both hearing them, and asking them questions.        The parents of Jesus assumed he was with them and they journeyed for three days before they discovered he was not with them. Assumption is a serious problem in parenting. Many a parents do not know the actual character of their children. They assumed that since they have been good model to them and have instilled morals via home training and taking them to churches. The parents believed that they are good children. Some children wear masks while at home, they are good children at home bu

Is your man the man?

 Is your man the man? Men are unique Their uniqueness is in their roles Men are life savers Men are life givers Men are burden bearers Men are loyal Men are trustworthy Men take responsibilities for their actions Men are loving Men are peaceful Men are considerate Men are leaders Men are symbols of strength Men are symbols of power Men are shields Men are compassionate Men are kind Men are selfless Men are diligent Men show the way Men are pathfinders Men are pillars Men are responsible Men are caring Men are excellence personified Men are symbol of prestige  Men are symbol of greatness Men are symbol of excellence  Men are the dream of women The heart of a woman sought for the man The man is a perfect creation All men strive to attain the level of manship A man that is the man will possess of the good characteristics you can ever think of It takes the woman to recognise the man Manhood is a journey. The man is a treasure to be found. If you have found the man Cherish him Celebrate him


 BUILD A QUALITY TEAM                  No man is an island. Success is not a feat you attain all alone. You need people to arrive at your destined goal. Not just any people but the right set of people. The set of people a leader surround himself with are called team. The team members include council members, advisers and counselors The quality of the team a leader surround himself with will determine his success. Leaders that do not build up a team around them get worn out easily. It is another thing to have a team and it is another thing to trust your team by delegating duties to them. Assigning duties to them give them a sense of responsibility. Believe in them and gives them authority to do the work and make them accountable not only to you but to the whole team. Moses was doing it all alone, he could have died before his time until Jethro advised him that he would worn out if he continued to judge the people all alone by himself. He chose a team and delegate duties to them. Jesus

Have mercy on marriage

  Have mercy on marriage ( E saanu Igbeyawo)            In one of the preaching classes at the Seminary, a student asked: Can I preach a sermon titled “ E saanu Igbeyawo” ( Have mercy on marriage). There were   outbursts of laughter in the class to the extent that the lecturer could not even know what to say at that moment. The pastor was nicknamed esanu Igbeyawo until a day he was so vexed and told us that if we had known who preached the message we would not have mocked him. And we asked, Behold he was a respectable minister of God.   This did not make sense to some of us but we stopped calling him   esaanu Igbeyawo.               Marriage is an ordinance. It was a commandment from God, it is holy , a rite , a form of worship. In church, it is called Holy matrimony and solemnization. This connotes that marriage is a form of covenant, holy and ordained by God. There are many ordinances in the scripture but marriage stood out and it deserves to be honored.   The writer of Hebrews

Break the Bias

 Break the Bias Women are formed just like men. No gender differences Whatever a man can do, a woman can also do. She is not a weak vessel but a strong woman She is not a punching bag She is not a slave She is not inferior to a man Give her equal respect you give a man She is a precious gift A gift to be honoured A gift to be cherished She is complete without a man She is a partner in a home Her uniqueness is in her roles Her greatness is in her roles She has a voice Give her the microphone Let her voice be heard Her voice is not inferior to that of men Her opinion is not irrelevant Give her the microphone Let her speak in public places Let her speak in the mosques Let her speak in the church Let her speak in the mosque Let her speak in the market Let her speak at the parliament  Let her speak at traditional worship centres She is not luggage to be acquired She is not a foot mat She is not a baby machine She is not a sex toy She is not for pleasure She is a woman She is full of honour

Coping with "difficult" children

COPING WITH “DIFFICULT” CHILDREN  Raising children can be challenging and tasking. All children are not the same. They are different in their personalities. The method you use for one may not work for the other. No child is difficult if you understand the child and use the right method to raise the child. A child becomes difficult when you fail to understand the child. The essence of this article is to provide practical approach in coping with “difficult” children and how to see children as treasured gift that need to be expressed love and accept for who they are.  A child is said to be difficult if the child is a trouble maker in school or home. Troublemaking is defined as looking for other children trouble by hitting them, taking their belongings and running away with it. A child is difficult when the child is moody unnecessarily, keeps to himself and does not relate with others just want to be on his own no matter how you try to get response from the child, the child is unwilling

Biblical approach to Polygamy.

BIBLICAL APPROACH TO POLYGAMY. Christianity is a religion that believes marriage is between a man and a woman. God ordained a marriage to be a union between a man and a woman and not a man with women or woman with men. Churches differ on doctrines in regards with dealings with polygamist. Some churches exclude a polygamist from being a worker or officer of the church. Some even said polygamist cannot make heaven if they do not break away from their polygamous homes. Some even exclude polygamist from baptism and the Lord’s Table. What should be the church perspective to polygamist in the church? How can Christianity and polygamy co-exist? These are the questions that this article tend to answer as it approach polygamy from the biblical point of view and how church should respond to polygamist in the churches. Polygamy is the practice of having several spouses especially wives at one time. Polygamy includes polygyny which is marriage to more than one woman and polyandry which is marria