Dangers of Assumption in parenting

 Dangers of Assumption in parenting 

Luke 2:43-44,46

[43]And when they had fulfilled the days, as they returned, the child Jesus tarried behind in Jerusalem; and Joseph and his mother knew not of it.

[44]But they, supposing him to have been in the company, went a day’s journey; and they sought him among their kinsfolk and acquaintance.

[46]And it came to pass, that after three days they found him in the temple, sitting in the midst of the doctors, both hearing them, and asking them questions.

       The parents of Jesus assumed he was with them and they journeyed for three days before they discovered he was not with them. Assumption is a serious problem in parenting. Many a parents do not know the actual character of their children. They assumed that since they have been good model to them and have instilled morals via home training and taking them to churches. The parents believed that they are good children. Some children wear masks while at home, they are good children at home but in schools they are terrors. The parents assumed that they are good children and do not take further steps to study and look around if those children are producing good characters they have instilled in them. While at the university, I was a campus evangelist, met a fellow student, each time he sees me preaching the gospel, he often smiles, and one fateful day I asked him why did you usually laugh whenever you see me sharing tracts or evangelising. He replied: my parents are committed Christians, all these things you do, I did likewise at home, pray and very serious. He said my parents will think I am just like you on campus. Each time I go home, my mom will say balance Spirituality with studies. He said she never knew am a bad guy on campus. “Just be praying for me” he said. That is the danger of assumption in parenting, children are into cultism, prostitution and other immoral acts on campus but parents are not aware. They are not aware just because they assumed as Jesus’s parents did. 

              How can you avoid dangers of assumptions in parenting? Look around and watch your children to see if the seeds you have planted in them are growing. Make it an habit to visit them in schools unannounced. Check the friends they keep. An old adage says: “ show me your friend and I will tell you who you are” If his friends are drinking and womanising, there are high chances that your child is doing such. Make your children your friends. If they are your friends, they will ask you questions that bothers them and you will be able to guide them appropriately. A teen once asked me “ is it wrong to gamble”? Create an environment that will make your children ask you questions that centre on what is bothering them. Create quality time for them, bond with them and make them feel at home. Having bible study or devotion with them is not enough. Allow them to ask questions on the discourse. Appeal to their intellect.

As a parent, if you discover that your children are not on the same page with you, it is not too late for you to engage on a journey to bring them back to path of peace, love and righteousness. It took Mary and Joseph three days for them to locate their children. They were fortunate because they found Jesus in the right place. They welcome him back in love. Whatever place you find your child, still welcome him with love and prayerfully guide him in the right path.

Abolanle oladipupo 

©️ 29/09/2024


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