Biblical perspective on Divorce.

Biblical perspective on Divorce
What does the bible say on divorce? What is God’s view on divorce? Is divorce a sin? Is divorce allow or permissive for a Christian? At what point should a Christian divorce? All these questions shall this write up address from God’s point of view through revelation from the word of God.
Divorce is defined by (Encarta dictionary 2009 edition) as official ending of a marriage by an official decision in a court of law. The oxford advanced learner’s dictionary 7th edition defines divorce as the legal ending of a marriage. Divorce is defined by wikitionary as legal dissolution of marriage. From all the definitions above, it can be inferred that divorce is when a marriage cease to be with a legal backing.
At what point does a marriage stop, there are several reasons that can lead to divorce and this varies from one couple to another. The major causes of divorce based on statistics are: infidelity, lack of trust, childlessness, financial problem, sexual dysfunction, domestic violence, sickness and so on. Marriage stop officially when there is a mutual agreement between the couple to end the marriage. At times either of the couple may seek a divorce by filing a divorce suite to the court of law. The court will notify the other party, they will meet in the court, and the court will dissolve the marriage after hearing from both parties. Divorce is a long process it is not sudden, it can starts from as little as disagreement over where toothpaste should be pressed. Divorce is the final stage where the marriage reached the breaking point. Disagreement is the root cause of Divorce.
Divorce is inevitable when the couple cannot agree again on most issues without resulting into crises. These are the signs of a marriage ending towards divorce: Breakdown in communication: The couples do not enjoy long conversation with each other again. Couple that once enjoyed good communication does not want to talk to each other again. Some can even get to the extent of writing short notes to communicate within the house. This will lead to absence from home. Either of the couple will stay longer at work, there job becomes their partner, some may even have a confidant at work or friend who they share their time with at the detriment of their spouse. This may lead to seeing weakness of one another which they have overlooked in the beginning of their marriage, this will lead to complains, which will further generate to verbal abuse that can lead to domestic violence. The husband may not want to eat the wife food again and if he eat, he will have a complain, this can further generate to sleeping in separate room
 Most marriages have broken before getting to the law court; they are just there in the court to make it official. Some couples may decide to end the marriage on their own because of the stigma attach to divorce in the society by either of the couple packing out for the other. Settling disagreement among couples is usually a difficult thing because the solution to the problem of  the marriage lies in the couple’s hands. Hence the couple has a great role to play whether the marriage will stand or not. Divorce can also be rooted on how the marriage takes place. Marriage on a wrong foundation may not stand the test of time. Some get married for ulterior motives and once they achieve the motive, they will want to end the marriage. Divorce has serious adverse effects on the couple and the children in that family. Children are usually the most affected by divorce as this affect their behaviour and have serious implications on their studies and career.
Is divorce a sin? The book of Malachi 2:16 says God hates divorce. Does that makes divorce a sin? In that text God was using the relationship between husband and wife as an allegory to explain the Jewish nation unfaithfulness to him. God does not like divorce situation as described above, he hate it when marriage are dissolved. The Hebrew word used for divorce here means to deal with a woman unfaithfully or faithlessly and it is different from the word used for divorce in Deuteronomy 24: 1 and Mathew 5:31-32 which means dismissal or to put away. In Mathew 5: 31-32, Jesus was not against divorce based on infidelity, the Greek word use for infidelity here means adultery has become a total lifestyle of the person. Jesus frowned at abuse of divorce that is divorce for ulterior motives. The Pharisee approached him later as recorded in Mathew 19:3 and Jesus took his time to explain what divorce really entails and on this shall this write up draw its conclusion.
Jesus said it is God’s will for marriage to be forever till death. He created them male and female for that purpose of procreation which should be fulfilled only in marriage. He said marriage can only be broken when either of the partners engages in lifestyle of immorality. A lifestyle of immorality is dangerous to the spouse, some years back a popular Nollywood actor infected his wife with human immune virus. Also in the national dailies few years ago, a woman died as result of domestic violence inflicted by his husband during investigation it was revealed that the deceased had been enduring domestic violence for many years. In another it was the wife that stabbed the husband to death. Jesus explained that divorce was allowed because of hardness of heart. Hardness of heart. A spouse with hardened heart can kill or frustrate the spouse when he/she does not desire the marriage again. God permit divorce so as to maintain peace and order within the society. In Deuteronomy 24:1, the law stipulated how divorce should be done. At what point should a Christian divorce?   Divorce is inevitable when one’s life is threatened or at risk. Divorce is not a sin, it can only be a sin when it is done based on ulterior motives which only God knows. Hence it is only God that knows whether divorce is a sin or not. Do not castigate or look down on people that are divorced some have even taken up the role of God by judging them that they cannot make heaven because divorce is a sin against God.
The conclusion of the matter is making up your mind to make your marriage work. Marriage is a work and you need to work it out. No marriage is problem free; all marriages have its peculiar challenges. Do not run out of your marriage because of a problem, stay there and work it out, if you do not get it right, the chances of getting it right if you opt for another marriage is very low. Devil loves divorce but God hates because in divorce, homes are broken, children future and destinies are greatly affected because it has psychological effects on the children. Do all your best in as much as you can to avoid divorce. Are you divorced for one reason or the other? God loves you, that is not the end of the world, encourage yourself in the Lord and move on in faith, keep serving your God and pray for God’s grace to be sufficient for you. God is able to heal broken homes and restore everything that has been lost provided you know your God. Remember that all things will work together for the good of those that are called according to God’s purpose.


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