Biblical approach to Polygamy.
BIBLICAL APPROACH TO POLYGAMY. Christianity is a religion that believes marriage is between a man and a woman. God ordained a marriage to be a union between a man and a woman and not a man with women or woman with men. Churches differ on doctrines in regards with dealings with polygamist. Some churches exclude a polygamist from being a worker or officer of the church. Some even said polygamist cannot make heaven if they do not break away from their polygamous homes. Some even exclude polygamist from baptism and the Lord’s Table. What should be the church perspective to polygamist in the church? How can Christianity and polygamy co-exist? These are the questions that this article tend to answer as it approach polygamy from the biblical point of view and how church should respond to polygamist in the churches. Polygamy is the practice of having several spouses especially wives at one time. Polygamy includes polygyny which is marriage to more than one woman and polyandry which is marria...